proudly handmade by me… from your waste


It is a website based on the design, and transmission of knowledge of handmade tetrapak objects.

It will be a project as long as there are single-use packages, and people, with as many Rs as necessary, until there are no more raw materials.


Pragmatic objects make with modular origami technique, and with tetrapak as unique material. Completed with PLA printed prosthesis. An angular and triangulated esthetic that hides inside the shamefulness of a single-use society.

selling formats

One format for those with money. Another for those with time. And one more for those who have a little of each one.


Ready to enjoy. You will receive the finished and working object. Assembled with all the care my hands are capable of.


Ready to assemble. You will receive a kit with all the tetrapak pieces cut, and the PLA printed parts. As well as precise instructions for you to assemble it by yourself.


Ready to manufacture. You will receive all the necessary information to manufacture the object by reusing your tetrapaks. As well as the files for you to print the PLA parts.


Knowledge transmission is one of the most radically ecological actions one can do. In a way, information is one of the substances that needs less energy to move.

I like to teach what I have learned. If you know of any opportunities in high schools, thematic days, cultural centers, senior centers… write to me.

I can adapt the workshop to any age with topics like ecology, mathematics, geometry, origami and crafts.

some facts

If the future holds anything for sure, it’s mountains of garbage as a reminder of what we were.

– Year 2017, the unique factory in Spain that completely recycled tetrapaks closes.

– Year 2018, China stops buying garbage from European countries.

– Year 2020, 25% of your tetrapaks, and all Spanish tetrapaks, end up buried in a landfill in Zaragoza.

As long as things don’t change around here, I’ll keep upcycling tetrapaks.

* Data collected since November 2022

tetrapaks upcycled

workshops given

kg of recicled pla

concepto eco

In this section you will not find easy answers, only sincerity. I do what I can with what I have, and all the rest is just decoration.

If you want to know what is upcycling? what does a tetrapak consist of? what is PLA and what does it mean that it is biodegradable? how do I deal with the shipping policy? why do I use copifarleft licenses? etc.

Click on the button below and we’ll have some fun.